I’ve been going to gyms on and off for around 20 years, using programs from magazines and books. I would get so far, reaching a point where I couldn’t increase the weights I was lifting, and not see any further improvement in my physique. I would eat quite healthily, but could never get rid of my belly. Then I’d get bored and fed-up with the lack of progress and give up, put the weight back on, then start all over again… After being at Snap Fitness for about a year and getting to the point of no more progress, I decided to try a PT, to get some expert advice on training and diet, and to push me out of my comfort zone. Training with Raf has been fantastic, and the results speak for themselves. He pushes you to do more than you think you can, week on week, and genuinely is as pleased with the results as I am. Training with RAF feels like a team effort, he is with you every step, pushing you when you need it, giving diet and nutrition advice, helping you break bad habits, and he is as pleased as you are when you reach your goals. Raf’s self-determination and motivation is an inspiration, and knowing the work he has put in himself to get to where he is, gives you hope and confidence to be able to do the same.
Body Transformations
Real People - Real Results