Online Personal Training

Get fit and healthy online with your own 1-1 Personal Trainer and customised fitness and diet plan

With the spread of COVID-19 limiting social contact, going to the gym is no longer an option for many. Yet in these worrying times, it is important to keep fit and healthy – both mentally and physically. Additionally, many are now finding themselves at home with time to fill.

Why not use that time and take up the challenge of committing to a healthier lifestyle and improving your fitness? TeamRAF provides tailor made online personal training programmes which help you set and then achieve your goals, for a healthier body, lifestyle and mind.

“A totally personalised approach, combining my knowledge, passion, experience and love for what I do. I am fully dedicated and excited to help you achieve sustainable results fast, bringing positive change to your life.”

Rafal - Your Personal Trainer

Your Very Own Personal Trainer in Your Home

Transform your body and mind at home with support from your very own Personal Trainer and a customised program to help you achieve your goals

Train anywhere! No gym needed

Train wherever you find yourself – at the gym, park or even at home. Our plans can be tailored so that no specialised equipment is needed.


Personalised Program

Our programs are designed specifically for you and your goals. With our workout plan you will have the best and most effective exercises to use, so you get the best and fastest results possible!

1 to 1 Personal Training with Dedicated Trainer

Raf is there to provide the motivation, encouragement and support you need so you can reach your maximum potential using our Mobile App, calls and messaging.

24/7 Support & Coaching

Raf is available via email, phone, chat and video call support to encourage you along your transformation and make sure you get the best and fastest results possible! We also have a dedicated Facebook page where we provide regular tips and advice.

Personalized Nutrition Guidelines

All meal plans are personalised for you and your specific goals whether this is to build lean muscle, get lean or tone up. Macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates & fats) are considered with each plan to ensure a healthy balanced diet. Vegetarian options are available.

Regular Check-ins

Through regular calls, we review your recorded progress to ensure you are on track to achieving your goal..

How Online Personal Training Works

Training online with us couldn’t be simpler. After your initial consultation with Raf, we will agree on a personalised plan for you. Simply download and install our App onto your mobile phone (we will send you instructions) and follow your plan. We are there all of the way with you. From regular check-ins, through to providing help and advice as and when needed.

Book your FREE online consultation

Download our Mobile App


Get your personalised program on the app

Follow the plan and record your results in the app

Get regular, scheduled progress check-ins from Raf

Online coaching

Gain access to your profile via the online portal where you will be able to:



Access your customized fitness program

View and update your workouts (this includes Videos of each exercise giving you specific instructions and tips on technique)

Save your training data & metrics

View your personalised nutritional guidelines

Record and track your nutritional data

Securely store your personal information and progress pictures

Communicate with me via the instant messenger function