I started pt sessions with team Raf in March 2014. I had lost the weight I wanted to lose from having a baby 2 years before. I was looking to gain lean muscle mass & to take my fitness to a whole new level. My goal has always been to do a chin up, but I was never strong anuff to achieve it. With team Raf I trained hard & I achieved it doing my first chin up & team Raf filmed it. I was so proud of myself. Team Raf supported me with my diet. I found out I was under eating by 800 calories per day. I reduced sugar & was on a low carb diet & only eating carbs after training. Giving up bread was the hardness part but in 3 weeks I achieved my 6 pack. I never thalt I would get after having a baby. With team Raf he makes the impossible possible. It is very hard work but you see the transformation fast.
Body Transformations
Real People - Real Results